New social media posting service

website maintenance

It’s long been known that social media is a key area to helping increase your website up the rankings, but each social media platform you have needs to be updated regularly for Google to take them seriously. We know, there isn’t enough time in the day, but that’s where our new social media posting service comes in!

From £119 per month we’ll keep your Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn profile updated every day, Monday to Friday, with insightful information about your products and services as well as throwing in interesting and unusual facts and figures or even well known quotes.

We might be a little bias but it really is a great service, our content writers are constantly posting updates and researching new content and posts for you, leaving you to get on with your daily business. All the while the new posts are attracting new followers and likes to help expand your brand and showing Google you’re active and therefore a business worth knowing about.