The importance of consistent branding across your website

Website design and development

You don’t need us to tell you that your business’s online presence will have a huge impact on how successful (or otherwise) your organisation is. After all, most customers are likely to visit your website before they buy anything from you. So, it’s one of the most important ways of standing out and gaining, keeping and enhancing credibility.

Few things are more important than showcasing your brand to potential customers. This establishes who you are, and what you stand for; equally, you significantly boost the chances of someone buying something from you.

It goes without saying that web design forms a crucial part of creating an overall brand. However, one thing that can be easy to forget is the importance of consistency in branding.

Yet, it’s vital to have this across your website and other digital channels so that you reflect a cohesive image. Additionally, people become more familiar with your brand this way.

What is brand consistency?

Brand consistency essentially means providing content and experiences which are in keeping with your brand’s values, identity and strategy, no matter what the channel. Think of it as a cohesive thread running through your website, Google ads, social media platforms and so on.

That includes consistency in terms of logo, fonts, colour schemes, and typography, as well as elements such as the name of your business, your message, and so on. That means that developing a robust brand identity involves myriad different design elements. Essentially, your website needs to have imagery and messaging that are identical to all your other digital assets.

Bear in mind that it’s said to take around seven interactions with a brand before someone becomes a customer. And in any digital marketing strategy, consistent, recognisable branding is an indication of success since it promotes brand recall among a wider audience.

This encourages trust, credibility, dependability and authenticity – all of which will boost strong, positive working relationships with new and returning customers.

Branding at SWSweb

At SWSweb, we’re in the business of designing and developing Joomla and WordPress websites for a vast array of businesses, whatever their size and whatever sector they operate in. And what we can do ranges from simple single-page affairs to fully content-managed e-commerce stores.

We’ll be with you every step of the way, from initial design and development through to managed hosting, maintenance and support. It’s simply not our style to just set up your website and leave you to it. Our relationship with you will last long after the site’s launch.

Get in touch today and tell us what you need.