Website update for The Sidlaw Hare

website maintenance

Ever heard of Kamishibai? No? Us neither! That is until we heard from Wendy at The Sidlaw Hare.

Kamishibai is a way of story telling that originates in Japan and Wendy sells Kamishibai books and frames to help make story telling for children a much more immersive and exciting experience.

The Sidlaw Hare already had a website but it needed an update, particularly with mobile friendly websites being so important now that mobile web searches have overtaken traditional desktop computers. We set about putting together a Wordpress website with an off the shelf theme that suited the requirements for the website, including an ecommerce option so visitors can buy Kamishibai books online.

We wish Wendy and the team all the best for future sales and the growth of Kamishibai in the UK, take a look at The Sidlaw Hare website here: