Website upgrade services

website maintenance

Its been a fresh start to the year for one of our existing customers, Wings & Wheels. Although its not a new look, their website has been totally revamped ready for this years event in August.

Regular visitors may not notice much difference but behind the scenes their website, running the Joomla Content Management System, has been updated to the latest stable version, no mean feat for such a large site.

Not content with that we also put in a brand new shopping cart system, Magento, and ensured the two play nicely together. The two solutions will give the Wings & Wheels team years more usage and ensure the security of the site is maximised by being on the latest updated versions of the software, something all websites should keep on top of. 

While we’ve been busy upgrading we’ve also helped to update much of the content, added a new kids zone area and reworked the photo gallery, we hope all the visitors to the site and the event will like using all these latest updates.