Capel Military Show bespoke design website build

Capel Military Show screenshot

The Capel Military Show is the South East best annual military show held near Dorking, Surrey. The show has been going since 2013 and has steadily increased visitor numbers as well as the attractions it offers to visitors year on year.

To help develop the show further, the Capel team asked us to freshen up the site and provide some future proof branding to help tie together the show and local advertising.

Initially, we redesigned their existing Wordpress website. Due to the nature of the fantastic military vehicles, displays and activities available, we worked on a bespoke web design which we where then able to convert into other promotional material such as leaflets and posters. The leaflets and posters are used to help promote the show locally and ensure people seeing the leaflets would visit the website and see the same overall branding and design as well as everything they need to know about the show.

During the website rebuild, we focused a lot of attention on the navigation. The old site had links to various pages in some unusual locations making it difficult for people to find information. We spent time re-working the navigation into useful sections with sub menu’s, it now makes a lot more sense where to find information, and we’ll be able to expand this further as the show continues to grow.

Check out the site at