Website build for CloudHub360

Cloudhub 360 screenshot

CloudHub360 approached us looking to revamp their existing website, which hadn’t been updated for many years and seemed quite dated.

CloudHub were looking for something fresh and colourful with animation to make areas of the site and particularly the content stand out.

We love it when clients ask us to go for it design-wise and come up with something a bit different, precisely what CloudHub asked us to do.

Our designer, Diana, started with some edits to their logo before establishing a design for the homepage. We work closely with our clients on bespoke website design as things often evolve as ideas from both sides help shape the look and feel of a site.

After the initial design phase, we started to build the site using WordPress. It’s a platform CloudHub has experience with, so it made sense to use it again. We use the Beaver Builder system as a starting point for our sites as it’s simple to use editing tools make it easy for anyone within the company to make changes to the site.

Following go-live, we gave CloudHub a training session on how to edit their new website and keep it up to date, but we are always on hand should they need some occasional support.