Website updates for Wings & Wheels

website maintenance

Its been a busy day, not content with getting Simply Website Support up and running, we’ve also been helping Wings & Wheels with a few website changes ahead of their airshow this coming weekend!

We received a new Illustrator file today of the Wings & Wheels arena, it needed shrinking and uploading to the website for visitors to hover over and zoom in to see where all the attractions are going to be. We’ve also been editing together a DVD of the history of Dunsfold Aerodrome where Wings & Wheels is taking place as its the 70th anniversary this year since it was built during World War II. The DVD will be on continuous loop for visitors to find out lots on the history of the site, we don’t get to use Adobe Premier Pro and Encore that often so it was a nice change to put this together quickly!

Make sure to check out especially if you’re looking for a fun day out this August bank holiday weekend!