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web mainenance grpahic
WordPress support services

Is your WordPress website too old?

The open-source platform WordPress is a web content management system originally devised as a tool for publishing blogs. First released more than two decades ago, it remains highly relevant. Since ...
Christmas website changes

How your website users may change over the Christmas period 

Regardless of what you sell, you’re likely to experience peaks and troughs in web traffic throughout the year. And it’s important to understand these oscillations, and to be prepared, especially ...
Cyber Essentials certified

Cyber Essentials certified

We are pleased to announce we are now Cyber Essentials certified following a successful application through the Government scheme with IASME. Cyber Essentials has been around since 2014 but has ...
How to use AI to write content for your website

How to use AI to write content for your website

AI or artificial intelligence is that of machines or software rather than human beings, while AI can also refer to the machines themselves. In recent years, the concept has rarely ...
Bespoke website design

Bespoke vs. off-the-shelf web design

A quality website tells people who you are, what you do and how you stand out from your competitors. Without one, you’ll struggle to drive traffic, generate leads and grow ...
Website servers for hosting

Why our WordPress hosting outperforms what the big players offer

The WordPress platform offers extensive benefits, including flexibility and adaptability as your needs change, plus it’s user-friendly, even for beginners, with plug-ins to extend functionality and mobile responsiveness. But if ...
Why do websites get hacked

Why do websites get hacked?

You probably think you know what hacking is, but for the avoidance of doubt, it means compromising digital devices and networks via unauthorised access to a computer system or account. ...
Website managed services

Why you should allocate budget to have your website managed

You can’t simply launch a website and then sit back and leave it; that’s just a false economy. It needs frequent updates and routine maintenance for consistently optimal performance. You ...