Wordpress theme change

Modern Barber screenshot

Is your Wordpress website looking a little dated? Are you thinking about changing the design of your website but don’t want the expense of rebuilding the entire site? A new theme may be the answer just like the project we recently completed for Modern Barber.

Modern Barber is a magazine-style site for Barbers offering the latest news and industry information. They had an existing Wordpress website with a lot of news posts across numerous categories and wanted to freshen up the site.

Rebuilding it from scratch would be a big job, but as Wordpress is built to keep the content separate from the design, it’s relatively straight forward to install a new theme and then integrate the existing content into the new design.

As with all pre-made Wordpress themes, we always recommend choosing a new theme wisely. A pre-made theme always looks great when you view it on the developer’s website, but think about your content, your logo, colour scheme, the navigation links and your images in place of the demo content, do you think it will still look the same?

We prefer to design websites from scratch, not only because it means we can integrate your logo and brand colours into a unique design but more importantly pre-made themes often come with a lot of extras your site doesn’t need. These extra features add more code and functionality, which can often slow down the loading of the website, a hugely important factor in Google ranking these days.

But on the flip side, pre-made themes can be installed and live in a much shorter space of time. Unique web design and development takes time, but installing a new theme can be completed in a few minutes. Don’t get me wrong it’s not that simple, after installation you have to make sure the logo, colour scheme and existing content all fits but its certainly a faster process than designing and building from scratch.

If you need a Wordpress theme update or refresh, get in touch for a free quote any time.