Political literacy learning platform for Shout Out UK

SOUK Education portal

We’ve recently created a political literacy learning platform for Shout Out UK, an organisation dedicated to teaching political literacy to students throughout the UK. It’s been a fantastic project working with the team at Shout Out UK; we started focusing on a learning platform to enable students to take courses learning about politics. Teachers are…

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Members directory for private investigators global network

WAPI screenshot

WAPI (World Association of Professional Investigators) is a worldwide organisation for private investigators offering members a global network for the industry. WAPI was using a third-party platform for their member directory which had become expensive and gave them limited options with what they could do. WAPI decided to look at running their membership directory through…

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How do I stop my Wordpress website from being hacked?

Computer chart background

This is a question we get asked a lot, and the answer is quite simple, you can’t! I don’t mean to sound so negative, but that’s essentially the truth. Wordpress has been around since 2003 and is the most widely used website platform on the internet, reportedly running around one-third of the world’s websites, as…

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Wordpress website design for One Light Lasers

One Light screenshot

One Light Lasers sell, repair and service laser beauty equipment throughout the UK. The owner, Jamel, has been a customer of ours since 2018, where we have helped with content changes on their existing website. In the first quarter of 2019, Jamel asked us to design a new website, focusing on One Lights core services…

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Wordpress website design for We Run Trail

We Run Trail screenshot

Our latest Wordpress website design and development build is complete and live at weruntrail.com. We Run Trail is an excellent site for anyone interested in trail running, from finding like-minded runners, running shops, holidays and anything else it has to be your first port of call. We were asked by Jude, the founder of We…

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Website build for web and print designer

Denise Pope screenshot

A designer we’ve worked with on various projects asked us to help rebuild her website. Although a straight forward Wordpress site, the design elements she wanted to include made it a tricky build, but we’re all delighted with the end result. Design by Pope is run by Denise, an excellent print and web designer, she…

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Historical Autographs Wordpress website development

Historical Autographs screenshot

Historical Autographs is an online catalogue of historical letters and manuscripts. When Historical Autographs contacted us, they had an old website that had been running for many years but was in need of a refresh to ensure it worked well on mobile devices. The general functionality of the site needed to remain the same, namely…

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Harris Carpentry website design and build

Harris Carpentry screenshot

Harris Carpentry is a carpentry contracting company based in Epsom, Surrey. In need a new website as their old one was looking quite dated we designed a site to showcase their key areas of business, carpentry contracting for large-scale building projects, joinery and domestic carpentry projects. They required some extra features for the new website,…

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College website design and development

Unity College screenshot

Our latest website build is for an existing customer, Unity College in Burnley. We’ve worked with the college for several months, helping keep their Wordpress website updated and maintained with our website maintenance packages and were delighted when they asked us to quote to refreshing their website. After initial discussions, we opted to start a…

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Opencart 2 to 3 upgrade

The Healing Corner screenshot

The Healing Corner sells gemstones and natural healing crystals and had recently had a website built on the Opencart 2 platform but were in need of some help with ongoing maintenance. Performing an initial evaluation of the website it soon became clear it had been developed on an old version of the Opencart system, and…

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