Two websites for multinational brand

Razor MD screenshot

One of our recent projects was for a US based company, RazorMD who sell their own luxury razors, shaving creams, oils and beard creams. They were looking to expand into Europe and wanted to upgrade their website with a fresh design. Working with their designer we were tasked to turn their great new design into…

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Mobile friendly Wordpress site developed for Pete & Pedro

Pete & Pedro screenshot

One of our maintenance plan customers, Pete & Pedro, asked us to help rebuild their existing Wordpress website, giving it a fresh new look in line with their American site. Although we usually work with our own designers Pete & Pedro have a US version of their site so wanted it to look as similar…

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GDPR and what it means for you

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Big changes are afoot this year for anyone that stores any type of personal data. If you have a website, app or use internal databases, CRMs or even just plain old email, you need to ensure you’re compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by 25th May 2018. (DISCLAIMER: This is NOT legal advice,…

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Opencart website build for With Love From Me

With Love From Me screenshot

With Love From Me is a family run business that designs and personalises individual gifts through high-quality embroidery, screen printing and heat transfer services. They approached Simply. Website Support to upgrade and improve their website as well as create a new logo. The team designed the logo and incorporated it into an existing Opencart theme…

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BTS R0 Study Buddy iOS & Android App


Bespoke Training Solutions (BTS) is an existing client of Simply. Website Support. We work with the team to maintain their website through our monthly maintenance plan. They are a team of highly qualified and experienced Financial Advisers, trainers and programme managers who help businesses and individuals with cost-effective methods to achieve success in the exams…

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MOBAA Awards website build

MOBAAS screenshot

Two years ago, Modern Barber magazine approached Simply. Website Support to update their existing website, a Wordpress website that promotes their quarterly magazine which is devoted to the UK’s barbering industry (and their clients). The magazine has been reflecting the industries glory for four years but they also wanted to give barbers the chance to…

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Should I install an SSL certificate on my website?

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The simple answer is yes!  But what is an SSL certificate and why do I need one? SSL certificates, or secure certificates (https://), enable a website to be sent from a web server to a visitors computer encrypted. In the past SSL certificates were reserved purely for eCommerce sites to ensure customer information is encrypted…

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PHP 5.6 end of life

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All good things must come to an end and next year it’s the turn of PHP 5! No, it’s not a skin cream but website operating software. We like to give you plenty of advance warning about changes and this may affect some of our website hosting clients in the future. The servers that we,…

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Improve website performance

Red Mist Leisure screenshot

One of our customers, Red Mist Leisure, was concerned with the speed of their websites. Performance is an important area of improving search engine ranking so well worth taking some time to look at ways to reduce page load time. We performed an audit of their nine websites to give us a baseline of how…

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Toolkit set-up for government department, Local Partnerships

DCS toolkit set up

We’ve been working with the team at Local Partnerships for around a year now helping with newsletter and website updates. When they asked us to help build them a toolkit to help prospective councils and planning departments to evaluate their delivery capability we were delighted to get involved. Essentially the toolkit is a quiz asking…

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